It's 2021!

  Another additional of 2 yrs!

Hahaha memang tak sangka aku memang konsisten menaip selang 2 tahun. Cumanya untuk tahun 2019 aku maleh nak post, stay as draft forever.

Walah, alhamdulillah untuk tahun ke-27! Too many things that happened in just two years. Bittersweet memories that I'm not gonna share with anyone anymore and enough of certain people that knows about it. Something that I never imagine that happened in my life. Never. 


Eventually, it happened for two years. Exhausting two years. Full of ups and downs, tears, anxiety, overthinking, dilemma and nightmares. Tahun yang penuh dengan trauma. I can described myself at the lowest point in my life. Full of darkness. Dan, aku masih lagi belajar berdiri akibat dari perkara ini. Aku masih lagi belajar menyerahkan apa yang dah terjadi kepada Allah because I know there is some rainbow after storm, kan? I'm still learning myself, still try and error to understand myself, to love myself. To make myself as priority.

In conclusion for this two years of experience, I need to be responsible with my decision and face the consequences. Don't always put the blame on other people for what had happened. I really learn a lot from this things. Reflect more and still try and error to distract myself from thinking too much. Always look yourself at mirror, say good positive words and of course, smile! What can I say, I'm really grateful that i'm still here struggling even it hurts so much and only Allah knows. May Allah bless our life with His love. My life still not going so well but i'm trying so hard. This is one of consequences that I have to face.

Kau buat baik ke, kau buat jahat ke, kau 'alim ke kau pengkhianat ke, life is always a test. Tapi, jangan lah selalu ambik kesempatan untuk melepaskan diri dari perkara yang tak sepatutnya kau  buat. You need to accept that you make mistakes and you have to learn from that mistakes. Sekali dua orang boleh terima kesalahan kau, tapi kalau banyak kali? You should know your limit and other people too.  


Satu lagi perkara yang sangat sangat....... entah lah, taktahu nak describe macam mana. Dalam dua tahun ni jugak benda ni tak berkurangan, opsss salah, on July 2020 we did it, but because of this greedy and stupid people, the cases rise up again. Boleh pulak dalam pkp case makin menaik? Jadi untuk apa pkp tu? Can someone explain? but alhamdulillah, until Nov 2021 ni, banyak kelonggaran telah dilakukan. 

But still, untuk kita, teruskan je jaga SOP and take your vaccine. Take care of yourself a lot and take are of other people too, ok? We can do this, we have for each other, insyaAllah, we never give up. We are strong to face this ridiculous situation.

And for sure too, I just let other people think and say what they want. I can't control them, I can only control myself.

Love, Kayy 

Happy birthday Fatehah!